Monday, April 16, 2012

April 1st Titan PM Formations

Sunday, April 15, 2012

My Current PvE Formation

What can be said about this formation? The main goal is to get Ravaging Melody and Deep Insight on the mobs by turn 2. Then, the guns go to town. Typically this form can take mobs down by turn 3, which is making the Witch less useful than she would otherwise be. She still adds some value to the group, however, when an additional group joins the fight.

The Monk is fast becoming less than useful as well. I can't remember the last time I was forced to use Holy Guard. Awakening does get used from time to time, but with everything usually dying on my turn 3, stunning is not typically an issue. Shield of Protection is still nice to have, but I doubt it is necessary.

The Oracle fills her typical healing role in this group. It is not often that I cast Seth's Will in a regular setting. I might get it off when I am doing a Nation Dungeon, but she typically would be healing during her turn anyway.

The Inventor is being used only as a gun character right now, which begs the question, why not a second Janissary? I think that is in the works for improvements to this build.

The Beast Trainer is getting a bit squishy at this level, but is still fulfilling her role as a decent tank with some AoE damage if needed.

The Lady Knight is simply a tank. I don't find her Light Slash ability to be anything to write home about, and I'm looking for options for a replacement at this point.

Formation Contributions

Atlantica Formations is now open and accepting your formation submissions. The following is how your submission should be submitted:

Merc - Main (Class) - Merc
Merc - Merc - Merc
Merc - Merc - Merc

Name: Your Name Here
Server: Server Name
Description: Spike / Stun / Snipe / Survival etc.
Division (PvP): X
Level: Your Level

It is your option to provide a description of the strengths, weaknesses, intended order of skill usage etc. to describe how your formation works.

You may comment on this post to submit your formations.